Off Grid Chicken

Off-Grid chickens are CLEAN, beyond-organic birds raised on our farm from day 1...



...through harvest. 

Off-Grid chickens are vaccine, antibiotic and hormone free, raised on green pasture with plenty of sunshine and fresh air, supplemented with free-choice, local, non-gmo grains.

How we raise Off-Grid Chickens:

  • Daily rotated green pasture. A truly “all you can eat” salad bar of fresh greens, grit, bugs, etc…   Off-Grid Chickens peck and scratch on pasture and enjoy lots of found earthy treats.  For a detailed analysis (with citations) of the health benefits of Pasture-raised meat, see:

  • We feed Non-Gmo, free-choice mash ground fresh at a local mill using locally sourced grains.  

  • Outdoors, in 10’ x 12’ floorless pasture shelters. Off-Grid chickens enjoy sunshine or shade and fresh air.  Many chicken producers claim to be “Cage free.”   This is an empty promise as chickens raised for meat are not typically raised in cages, rather in grow out houses to “control” the artificial environment.  From hatch to slaughter, birds raised in this manner will never experience sunshine, fresh air, scratching and pecking in the earth.  Sickness and disease build up through the manure dust and tight quarters confinement conditions (industry standards only require half a square foot per bird)

  • WITHOUT hormones, vaccines, antibiotics, or any other artificial “treatments.”  Some “natural” poultry farms promise to never use “prophylactic” antibiotics, meaning that they’ll only use antibiotics if a chicken gets sick.  WE NEVER USE ANTIBIOTICS OR MEDICATIONS(including coccidiostats)  FOR ANY CAUSE OR REASON.  Quite frankly, if a chick or chicken gets sick, on our farm, they will likely die.  We wouldn’t feed a sick bird to our family, and we won’t feed it to you or yours.   

  • WITHOUT injections or added “sodium solution,” “chicken broth” or anything else. Off-Grid chicken’s flavor and texture doesn’t need any help or cover up.  There’s more to chicken’s flavor than salt!

  • Raised on our farm from 1 day old through harvest. We dress the birds (slaughter, butcher and package) on our farm, using our own equipment and do not use a third party “processor.”  The reason:  We don’t want to spend our time, effort and energy raising clean and healthy chicken only to have them sent out to a facility in which we have no control over the most critical process.  We want to assure Off-Grid Chickens remain clean from start to finish.  

  • With inspections and oversight by folks with high standards and expectations:  You!   There are no secrets here.  We believe that taking responsibility for our food choices requires that we become informed.  You should know where and how your food is raised.  Our partners and customers are welcome to stop by anytime and see what we’re up to, and even lend a hand.